Orthodontic and dentofacial orthopedic treatment
Author(s): Thomas Rakosi, Thomas M. Graber, R. G. Alexander
Publisher: Georg Thieme;TPS, Year: 2010
Written by experts in the field, this essential atlas provides a comprehensive discussion of the safest, fastest, and most efficient evidence-based orthodontic and dentofacial orthopedic treatments. Leading clinicians provide information on innovative methods and materials - including the twin block technique, the functional magnetic system, the interarch compression spring, and the Invisalign system. The book also contains thorough reviews of diagnostic principles, preventive orthodontics, early treatment options, implants, functional therapeutic methods, and treatment planning for mandibular distraction osteogenesis. Instructive color photographs and illustrations accompany clinically relevant case studies that demonstrate key techniques and long-term treatment results.
- Clinical information on interceptive orthodontics,including discussions of guided extraction and functional orthopedics
- The biomechanics of orthodontic therapy for fixed andremovable appliances
- Discussion of anchorage control and septal archmechanics
- The latest methods for solving tooth-sizediscrepancies, morphologic variations, and recrowding in the lower anteriorsegment
- 1260 drawings, radiographs, and photos - most infull-color
Packed with valuable information for dentists and maxillofacial surgeons, Orthodontic and Dentofacial Orthopedic Treatment is crucial reading for every orthodontist and orthodontic student.
"This textbook makes an excellent contribution for the orthodontists and orthodonstic students." - Hellenic Orthodontic Review
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